The Mission

The Prayer


The mission of The Flow Fund Circle is to increase trust, generosity of spirit, empowerment, and compassion in the world by increasing the flow of money through the hands of new philanthropists who freely carry resources to places where their hearts move them to go.

The core values of Flow Funding are: Generosity, Trust, Discernment, and Community. We seek to develop a form of philanthropy that is Proactive (not passive), Intuitive, Effective, Open to Surprise, and Healing for Funders and Recipients.

MarionI would like to express my deep gratitude to each member of The Flow Fund Circle for all that you have taught me through your open hearted generosity. I am constantly delighted and refreshed and inspired by the way you have given the money away to the people and places that have touched you. Please know that you have enriched my life greatly. I send you my love and blessings,
     - Marion



“I started the Flow Fund Circle in May 1991. I had just completed a one year sabbatical from philanthropy and I was quite clear that I did not want to go back to the old way of working with money where people would come to visit me or send me proposals which would pile up on a table in my home….” More

For many years it has been my privilege to be an advisor to the Flow Fund Circle. Watching this model grow and develop over the years has been truly inspiring to me and has altered the way I engage in my own personal giving. This model of philanthropy has allowed individuals who have never had the opportunity to be philanthropists before to experience the true joy of giving. The process of giving money away has illuminated and expanded both the lives of the Flow Funders and those receiving the money.
     - Sandra Hobson, advisor to The Flow Fund Circle



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